Protopia AI is at RSAC. Meet our team of experts in AI Data Privacy and Security.


of enterprises collected data goes unused

Data Access

With Stained Glass Transform™

Stained Glass helps team access previously unattainable data to enrich their Machine Learning models while protecting sensitive information.

Access More Data for your AI

Protopia AI holistically transforms and de‑risks your sensitive data. Use your data more freely for ML Insights. 

Use and Protect ML During Training and Deployment

Lightweight and
Versatile Solution

Work with any Data-type from text to images

What new revenue opportunities can you unlock with increased data access for AI?

Fintech Customer Story

A financial services firm wanted to access some datasets on an enterprise customer to develop a new fintech product but was not being given access to those datasets in raw form due to the sensitive nature of the information in them. 

Stained Glass Transform enabled them to get Randomized Re‑Representations of those datasets from the enterprise customer instead of the plain-text datasets, which enabled them to train their models with these transformed datasets.

This resulted in the financial firm being able to develop a new fintech product by way of using data they would not have been able to use otherwise without maintaining confidentiality using Stained Glass Transform.

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The Executive’s Guide to Secure Data & Impactful AI | Part 2

Welcome back to our three-part series designed by and for leaders in data, information technology, and AI. In the first installment, we tackled the critical issue of overcoming barriers to data accessibility, exploring strategies to unlock the full potential of your data assets while ensuring compliance and security.

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